Maybe you are new to volunteering for trail work, or maybe you have some experience but want to learn more.  Here are some great resources for new and seasoned trail workers.  They have helped inspire, motivate and educate us.  They are referenced frequently, so having them all in one spot helps us keep track of the best resources.  Many of this material references other organizations, but they all share similarities to what we do.  We hope you enjoy them, and feel free to ask questions by contacting us any time.

Why Volunteer for Trail Work:

Volunteer Stories: Giving Back to Hiking Trails (Video)

What to Expect and How to Prepare on Trail Work Days:

US Forest Service – Volunteering for Trail Maintenance (Video)

Trail Maintenance:

Basic Trail Maintenance (Video)

Trail Building:

Trail Design, Construction and Maintenance (Video)

US Forest Service – Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook

US Forest Service – Standard Trail Plans and Specifications

Trail Tools Tutorial:

US Forest Service – Handtools for Trail Work (PDF)

Pick Mattock and McLeod Use (Video)

Rock Work Techniques (Video)